Based in a historically distinguished town near New York City, the firm of Bentel & Bentel Architects has been led for over 50 years by two generations – men and women – of one family. The interweaving of their experiences, lifestyles, and personal philosophies has produced a uniquely elegant series of works including public buildings, restaurants, and hotels. The buildings are equally notable for their thoughtful relationships to the structures they occupy or adjoin, the communities in which they stand, and the experiences of their intended users. Bentel & Bentel’s accomplishments reflect not only its cumulative design experience but the insights the partners bring to their work from a variety of related activities: painting, sculpture, dance, design of furnishings, architectural history, and education. Reflecting the lives and accomplishments of the firm’s partners, this monograph is composed of three narratives: Who We Are, What We Do, and Who We Were.

“With 240 pages filled with incredible art, the bird lover will enjoy flipping through and taking in the vast distinctions between species in the bird kingdom.” — Prevention
Australian artist Greg Oakley has had a lifelong fascination with birds and bird art, and began photographing birds 20 years ago, progressing from traditional film to digital in the early 2000s. In the past six years, he has worked on perfecting the difficult and exacting area of bird photography known as “setup”, where perches and backgrounds are meticulously crafted and designed, and lighting strictly controlled.

There are sometimes hundreds of individual photographs taken and then digitally combined to create a single work. With a combination of photographic skill, field craft, meticulousness and incredible patience, he removes the subject from its natural environment and context, re-imagining it in a field-guide style reminiscent of the historic bird artists.

Oakley’s photographs represent a reconstructed contemporary vision of important historic artists such as Gould and Audubon. This collection of stunning artwork is a testament to the natural beauty of birds, highlighting the precarious existence of many endangered species and a reminder of the beauty we could lose. By isolating the subject into an unblemished reality, each species’ character and beauty is celebrated with empathy and understanding. The resulting images provide both a rare glimpse in stunning detail of these delicate creatures, and a poignant reminder of the tragic, impending loss of many of them due to habitat loss and climate change.

This beautifully illustrated monograph details the designs and unbuilt works of renowned Korean architect firm BCHO Partners and explores the firm’s focus on architecture with simple structures and a strong regard for the natural environment. Filled with a rewarding collection of unbuilt projects, this richly illustrated monograph provides critical insight from the designers into the context of each development and plan. These projects all feature one consistent interest: a concern for the relationship between the proposed building and the surrounding landscape. The carefully selected collection of projects reflects the breadth of the firm’s past explorations and the diversity of ground conditions they have encountered. The book provides an occasion to revisit the vast collection of the firm’s past unbuilt projects through the common lens of the given site and landscape.

This beautifully illustrated monograph showcases gorgeous examples of landscape architectural design—terrain + open space—by award-winning studio TROP. Established in 2007, TROP has worked on various projects throughout Asia, including Thailand, Singapore, and China.

Led by Pok Kobkongsanti, its philosophy is to create a unique design for each project that TROP works on. TROP believes that the design process is as important as the design itself, and strives to work very closely with each of its clients. TROP works include hospitality, residential, and commercial.

Packed with insights into the challenges and thought behind the creation of harmonious compositions, the narrative also provides a space for reflection by the studio on its many award-winning designs. TROP’s thoughtful designs succeed in creating a balance between nature, taking into consideration rainwater runoff in tropical areas, and the need to preserve greenery in large cities for the wildlife and beneficial cooling for city residents, resulting in true sustainable design.

Public markets are the world’s oldest retail trading format. The recent resurgence of public markets is unlocking a new era of market cities, which have sparked urban revitalisation and fostered community diversity. This new book will look at the latest developments in market design across the globe, bringing readers up to date with the latest developments and demonstrating ideas, projects, and visions that will offer not only information, but inspiration too.